Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tags Boxes and Symmetry- the myth.

They say everything comes at a price. A tag is attached to everything we do, we wear, we think. Relationships have a tag- long term and short term. These tags supposedly exist so that things stick in our memory. Like a great record the music rendered has to have a tag it has to be classified under a genre, it cant just be music because that would be too vague for people to understand.

Talking about understanding, we need to undertsand things in order to feel significant and that significance is tagged to happiness. The bottom line of everyones life is that we want to be happy. Happy being successful, happy being looked up to, happy high, happy with someone, happy being powerful, happy memories, happy being surrounded by happiness.

But Maybe happiness didn't have to be about the big, sweeping circumstances, about having everything in your life in place. Maybe it was about stringing together a bunch of small pleasures,things that cannot be tagged.

I cannot organize the emotions i feel inside me for people to fit one word like love or hate, neither can i lyrically explain the joy i feel when i listen to a good song. the tagging of things makes them categorical and things in categories are for aisles in supermarkets. Arrangement sure does bring about discipline and makes it easier to find things..but relationships and emotions arent things.
More often than not i have made friends with people who aren't my 'type' or people i have the least in common with and i have realised that the combination of inexplicable feelings is what allows people to hinge together. Most times people dont have answers for why they love someone, they would have instant replies for why they hate someone or why someone irks them. This is because the real things in life cannot be classified.

Point is-- we are all going to die. eventually. So if we spent less time tagging and putting things into boxes and being terrorized and flattened by trivialities..we'd be better off.


Anonymous said...

Neat article. Putting a tag on a relation is the worst possible thing people can do. Probably that comes out of insecurity. Try watching (500)Days of Summer. It will give you something to think about, from either sides.

Keep up your good writings.

Dinesh Yalavarthy said...

point driven. relatonships aren't to b tagged and emotions cant be. then, each ceases to exist. weighing a relation sometimes crosses minds nevertheless, but, to be happy, jus dont over calculate. 'dont tag evrything'. loved reading it. :-)

theanalogkid said...
