Monday, May 26, 2008

Speaking "LOUD & CLEAR" can cause deafness!

“At home Drawing pictures Of mountain tops With him on top Lemon yellow sun Arms raised in a V Dead lay in pools of maroon below Daddy didn't give attention To the fact that mommy didn't care King Jeremy the wicked Ruled his world.. Jeremy spoke in class today Jeremy spoke in class today Clearly I remember Pickin' on the boy Seemed a harmless little fuck But we unleashed a lion Gnashed his teeth And bit the recessed lady's breast How could i forget He hit me with a surprise left My jaw left hurtin Dropped wide open Just like the day Like the day i heard Daddy didn't give affection And the boy was something mommy wouldn't wear
King jeremy the wicked Ruled his world Jeremy spoke in class today Jeremy spoke in class today Try to forget this... Try to erase this...From the blackboard.”

Bullies…. We have em all over the place…be it in school…at the playground…in college…at a workplace.. they never go away….instead it’s a vicious cycle….the bullies stay bullies and the bullied become bullies in due course of time..
How many of us have been Jeremy (not in the literal sense of blowing our brains out)? Or atleast played a role in creating a Jeremy??
Trying to show the world we are better..stronger..people…while breaking down with insecurities on the inside… shoving the naïve into the hoops of sorrow and depression and lifetime of low self esteem…while we long treaded that path…
Ask me what a definition of a bully is…in my mind bullies are intolerant of contrary opinion, domineering and rather cowardly. Secretly hoping that none of those terms could be fairly used in describing me. Truth is all of us are intolerant of contrary opinions…..some lash it out…while other keep shut like safety vaults…things locked are valuable things which others do not care to see…
Jeremy the wicked ruled his world unspoken... shook the rest of the world when he spoke...leaving behind impressions of things unsaid….leaving ppl regretting…leaving the blackboard with inerasable stains…
Whats the point…we all know how it feels but we still go on…cos we need something to trample on..something to make us feel we have made a mark..even if its on somebody!! It’s a vicious cycle…


Unknown said...

This space ain't enough for a comment which includes theories around it like natural pecking order, hormonal/adrenalin imbalance, genetic pre-disposition, leaders are born from bullies and so are thugs and so are caning teachers whose butts are toasted and caned at home; evaluates reactions like non-resistance, sympathy and understanding for the bully's actions coming from insecurities... and ends up by cutting all the crap mentioned above and giving a clarion call for the abused, bullied souls to raise like a phoenix from the ashes shall we say a'la Amir Khan in Ghulam and kick the living crap out of not only the bullies but the fear within themselves that the bullies feed on... for fear is death!... why blame it just on bullies man?!

Anonymous said...

you're bullied only when u dont not want to be bullied!!!! dont give anyone that chance !!!

Anonymous said...

easier said than done!!! btw awesome work with your posts. keep it going.:)