Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happiness Day 3: Betty..Bitter.. Better..Butter?

Oscar Wilde said “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” 
I said " I refuse to just exist. I choose to thrive. I choose to evolve. I choose to challenge myself"

I woke up really content and happy this morning, the weather was great, I got breakfast and tea served in bed by my Mary amma, got dressed in time to work and then came the SMACK in my face--TRAFFIC! I wanted to drive by the lake on my way to work because I wanted to play good music and feel the wind in my hair but instead I got stuck in vicious work traffic. I didn't let it tarnish my spirit and stayed hopeful! I got to work and I found a great parking spot so I was all up and chirpy again. I then went up to the office terrace to have chai and experience the whole wind-in-my-hair and BAM!- the sun came up and ruined the entire feeling. Even then I decided to wait out the entire day and see how it goes. I traversed through all the emotions Darth Vader did, but at the end of the day in spite of my ridiculously high expectations of happiness..I'm Happy =)

I'm Happy because:

  • I made up my mind to be so.
  • For once I quoted myself =)


Unknown said...

Its nice to know the Apricot 'Deloitte' and over-enthusiastic steward don't feature in your list of the day's woes!!

Unknown said...

Wait!! You're not happy about our future Golden Retriever??

Clarity Blur said...

Ill tell you what Im not happy about--that old dark badly lit profile picture of yours! =)

Anonymous said...

This is good self-empowering article. And I liked what you affirm in the beginning of it, " I refuse to just exist. I choose to thrive. I choose to evolve. I choose to challenge myself." Rather that is what is prodding me to comment.
Happiness, melancholy: they are just phases in life. What matters, according to me, and is also what seems to be prevalent in your writing, is the company of constant exhilaration of mind and senses. I had just like to add a quote here from Hemingway: "Live the full life of mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the romance of the unusual."